Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser Skin Resurfacing in Bay Area CA

Laser Skin Resurfacing | Non-Surgical Face & Neck Lifts | Body Contouring & Fat Reduction


Bay Area Medical Spa

With people becoming more conscious of their appearance, the demand for skin treatments is rapidly on the rise. One such innovative treatment that has earned popularity is laser skin resurfacing. It involves using a laser to remove the outermost layer of your skin, revealing smoother and younger-looking skin underneath. At Bay Area Medical Spa, we offer laser skin resurfacing services in Bay Area, CA that cater to various skin concerns. Below, we will explore our laser skin resurfacing services, their benefits, and why you should consider trying them.

What is Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing is a non-invasive treatment that uses laser technology to treat different skin conditions and imperfections. The procedure involves using a laser to remove the damaged outer layer of your skin, exposing the healthy underlying skin cells. By doing so, it promotes collagen production, which leads to a smoother and more youthful-looking complexion.

Benefits of Laser Skin Resurfacing

There are numerous benefits to laser skin resurfacing, including:

  • Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Removal of age spots and sun damage
  • Improvement in skin texture and tone
  • Decrease in acne scars
  • Minimization of pore size
  • Boost in collagen production
  • Improvement of skin's overall appearance

Types of Laser Skin Resurfacing Services We Offer

We offer various laser skin resurfacing services, including:

  • CO2 Laser Resurfacing: This treatment involves using a CO2 laser to remove the outer layer of your skin. It is effective for treating deep wrinkles, severe sun damage, and acne scars.
  • Fraxel Laser Resurfacing: This treatment targets small areas of your skin, leaving surrounding skin untouched. It is effective for treating age spots, wrinkles, and acne scars.
  • Erbium Laser Resurfacing: This treatment uses an erbium laser to remove the outer layer of your skin. It is effective for treating fine lines, sun damage, and acne scars.

Why You Should Consider Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing is a safe and effective way to achieve youthful and flawless skin. It offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Non-surgical and non-invasive
  • Minimal recovery time
  • Long-lasting results
  • Boost in self-confidence
  • Treatment for various skin concerns

We have a team of experienced and skilled professionals who offer non-surgical face and neck lifts, body contouring & fat reduction and laser skin resurfacing services. We can help you achieve the smooth, youthful-looking skin you desire, and our treatments are customized to suit your specific needs. If you are considering a skin resurfacing treatment, contact us today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to helping you achieve your ideal look with our top-quality laser skin resurfacing services.


Our Laser Skin Resurfacing Services - What to Expect After the Procedure?

We offer a range of laser skin resurfacing services in Bay Area, CA aimed at improving the appearance of your skin. Our treatments leverage the power of laser technology to treat acne scars, sun damage, wrinkles, and fine lines, among other skin issues. One of the most common questions we get after a laser skin resurfacing session is "what should I expect?" After all, nobody wants to walk out of the clinic with a raw or inflamed face. Below, we’ll discuss what you should expect after laser skin resurfacing, and how to take care of your skin post-procedure.


Redness and Swelling

You may experience redness and swelling after a laser skin resurfacing session. This is perfectly normal and usually lasts for a few hours up to a couple of days. To reduce swelling, use ice packs (wrapped in a towel) on your face for up to 15 minutes at a time, several times a day. Avoid using hot water on your face or exposing your skin to direct sunlight until the redness goes down.

Itching and Peeling

It is common to experience itching and peeling after a laser skin resurfacing session as your skin heals and regenerates. To soothe the itching sensation, moisturize your skin several times a day using a fragrance-free lotion. Avoid using makeup or heavy creams until your skin fully heals. In the case of severe itching or irritation, consult with your doctor for additional remedies.

Sun Sensitivity

After a laser skin resurfacing session, your skin becomes more sensitive to the sun, which increases your risk of sunburns and sun damage. Stay indoors and avoid direct sunlight for at least 24-48 hours after your session. When you go outside, always wear a wide-brim hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30. Reapply sunscreen every 2-3 hours, especially if you sweat or swim.

Post-Procedure Care

Your doctor will give you post-procedure care instructions tailored to your skin. Make sure to follow these instructions strictly to ensure a faster and smoother recovery. These instructions may include avoiding direct sunlight, avoiding makeup, and using specific skincare products. If you notice any unusual symptoms, such as increased pain, severe itching, bleeding, or discharge, contact your doctor immediately.

Final Thoughts

​Laser skin resurfacing is a highly effective treatment for improving the appearance of your skin. However, it is important to understand what to expect after the procedure to ensure faster and smoother recovery. Redness, swelling, itching, peeling, and sun sensitivity are common side effects that usually go away within a few days. Make sure to carefully follow your doctor’s post-procedure care instructions to improve your skin’s healing and recovery. 

​If you’re considering laser skin resurfacing, we hope this has helped answer some of your commonly asked questions about what to expect after the procedure. We offer a range of laser skin resurfacing services aimed at improving the appearance of your skin. Our team of certified doctors and staff are available to answer any of your queries and provide quality care. Get in touch with us to schedule a consultation session today.

Our Laser Skin Resurfacing Services - How Does it Work?

Everyone would love to have flawless skin, without blemishes or wrinkles. However, the aging process and lifestyle factors like stress, sun damage, and smoking can make this seem like an impossible dream. Fortunately, there is a solution - laser skin resurfacing. At Bay Area Medical Spa, we offer a medical spa services including, Non-Surgical Face and Neck Lifts, Body Contouring and Fat Reduction and laser skin resurfacing services in Bay Area, CA that work to rejuvenate your skin and remove imperfections. But how does it work? Below, we’ll go through the process of laser skin resurfacing and what you can expect.


Laser skin resurfacing is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure in which a laser is used to remove the top layer of skin, revealing a smoother, younger-looking complexion underneath. The procedure is typically performed on the face and neck, but can be done on other areas of the body as well, depending on the patient's needs. Laser skin resurfacing can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions, including fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, and sun damage.

The process begins with a consultation with one of our licensed and certified laser technicians. During the consultation, the technician will speak with you about your skin concerns and goals, and evaluate your skin to determine the best course of treatment. The technician will then develop a customized plan tailored to your skin type, and discuss the process with you.

On the day of the procedure, your skin will be thoroughly cleansed, and a topical anesthetic or numbing cream may be applied to minimize any discomfort. The technician will then use a handheld laser device to target the areas of your skin to be treated. The laser penetrates the top layer of skin, stimulating collagen and elastin production, which helps to tighten and plump the skin, resulting in a more youthful appearance. The laser also works to remove damaged skin cells, promoting the growth of new, healthy skin.

After the procedure, you can expect some redness and swelling, which typically lasts for a few days. You'll need to avoid direct sunlight for a few weeks, and protect your skin with a broad-spectrum sunscreen. Over the next several weeks, you'll notice your skin become smoother, more even, and more youthful looking. It’s important to note that laser skin resurfacing is not a one-time treatment and as such, it’s essential to book a consultation with one of our laser technicians to determine a personalized schedule for you. Typically, multiple sessions are needed for optimal results, and there may be some downtime between treatments.

​We offer laser skin resurfacing services that can help you achieve the smooth, youthful skin you've always wanted. Whether you're dealing with fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, or sun damage, laser skin resurfacing works to rejuvenate your skin from the inside out. With a series of customized treatments, you can achieve lasting results that will leave you feeling confident and looking your best. If you're interested in learning more about our laser skin resurfacing services, contact us today to schedule a consultation!

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